As the annual grant period draws to a close, it is interesting to review the prevailing trends in the country. "Gyvi Gali" performed in 2021. analyzed the statistics of the 1.2 % support and grouped the recipients into areas of activity. According to them, almost 21.1 million were distributed. EUR?
According to the data provided by VMI, in 2021 Top five recipients of support: Support and Charity Fund "Māmu Unija"; Rimantas Kaukėnas support group; Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats; Freedom TV; Order of Malta Help Desk. However, this or similar lists do not reflect how support is distributed by the recipients' fields of activity, which is valuable information for understanding the public interest.
A much clearer picture can be seen by grouping the recipients of support into 16 main areas, such as: "Children and family", "Education and culture", "Elderly and the poor", "Animals", etc. recipients - they were allocated ~9.5 million EUR or almost 45% total amount.

The most funds are for children, family and pets
According to the received data, the "Children and family" category collected the most funds. Kindergartens, institutions caring for sick and orphaned children, organizations representing children's rights, etc. the amount of 17.74 % was paid out. The second place went to the "Animals" area. People gave 16.97 % of support to shelters, stables and other animal-related recipients. It is interesting that 96.45 % of these funds went specifically to institutions that take care of domestic animals (mainly cats and dogs), while support for non-pet animals was even 27 times less - only 3.55 %. This distribution of amounts is partly explained by the number of recipients: among the top 500 recipients, there are 45 pet care organizations and only 4 representing non-pet animals. Among them are the "Three Piglets" shelter for animals kept on farms and the Horse Care Association.
"The data shows a huge divide between domestic and non-domestic animals. On the one hand, it is not surprising that we feel more empathy for those around us. On the other hand, the mere fact that we meet certain animals less often in our everyday life does not solve their needs and does not reduce their suffering. Few people know what enormous numbers of chickens, pigs, and cows suffer every day in industrial farms," says Meda Šermukšnė, head of the animal welfare organization "Gyvi gali".
Looking at the other recipients of aid, it can be seen that the distribution of amounts between areas is very uneven. The groups that received the least, such as "Environment and nature" or "Journalism", did not even exceed a percentage of the total funds received from the 1.2 % GPM.
Why support 1.2 %?
in 2021 1.2 % support was provided by 460,412 people - this is approximately one third of the working population of Lithuania. The numbers suggest that public involvement could be even higher. A wider dissemination of information about this type of support could contribute to the change: allocating 1.2 % not only costs nothing, but also allows you to directly contribute to good works. A great example is the public organization "Save the Children". From the funds received, it supervises 48 children's day employment centers, and also provides social, psychological and material support to families experiencing difficulties.
"1.2 % is an excellent state incentive tool that allows voluntary contributions to initiatives that are relevant to everyone personally and correspond to values. Last year, the average amount received from one sponsor was EUR 45.8. On the surface, it is not a lot, but the support adds up and in the context of non-profit organizations it becomes a significant tool for doing good work", M. Šermukšnė shares her thoughts.