We are starting cooperation with one of the largest retail chains, Lidl


In an effort to reduce its greenhouse gas footprint, the Lidl retail chain is taking environmentally friendly steps, including promoting plant-based nutrition products. In order to introduce as many customers as possible to the importance of plant-based nutrition, the company "Lidl Lietuva" began to cooperate with the animal rights organization "Gyvi gali".

"Climate change poses a huge risk to nature and people, so specific decisions to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint must be made here and now." "Lidl Lietuva" reduces its impact on the climate with various solutions - from electricity from renewable sources to reducing food waste - and constantly sets new goals. And the emission of greenhouse gases, which the retail network cannot avoid at the moment, will be compensated from the beginning of the 2022 financial year with the help of certified climate protection projects. So, starting this year, Lidl Lietuva's operations are climate-neutral, but not only businesses must contribute to positive changes - we also encourage the public to take environmentally friendly actions, primarily the people who shop in our network stores," says Lidl Lietuva's social responsibility consultant Rasa Didjurgytė .

As a result, the shopping chain welcomes the summer in cooperation with the animal rights organization "Gyvi Gali". Together with its partners, Lidl will encourage customers to try plant-based nutrition products that have less impact on the climate and environmental pollution, encourage them to include more fresh, plant-based food in their diet and share the most delicious recipes.

Aims to make plant-based foods a priority

in 2021 Meda Šermukšnė, the head of the animal rights organization "Gyvi Gali", says that Lithuanians consume three times more meat every year than recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and various dietician associations. In addition, plant-based food has a significantly lower greenhouse gas footprint than animal-based food.

Acting in the direction of popularizing plant-based nutrition, the organization "Gyvi gali" aims to make tasty, animal-friendly, sustainable and healthy plant-based food accessible to every consumer without barriers. To achieve this, the organization cooperates with various businesses that contribute to the promotion of plant-based products and run a free plant-based nutrition program. In this way, the organization helps people get to know the benefits of plant-based nutrition, its challenges and reveals the variety of flavors of plant-based food.

"Changing habits and adopting a plant-based diet can be quite a challenge for many people, we encourage you to do it gradually. A person does not need to become a vegan if he wants to help nature, for example, you can start with one or two completely plant-based days a week, in the long run this number of days can be increased. We constantly emphasize the fact that a person interested in plant-based nutrition should not be afraid to make a mistake, and in case of uncertainty, be afraid to seek help", assures the head of the organization "Gyvi gali".

Switch to a plant-based diet - gradually

The Lidl retail chain is constantly expanding its permanent range of food products and supplementing it with new plant-based food products. The permanent assortment of the chain includes plant-based milk drinks of several different flavors, tofu, chickpea spreads, vegan burgers, customers are also offered an extremely wide selection of fresh and high-quality fruits and vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, and various cereals.

According to Ms. Šermukšnė, Lidl's decision to introduce plant-based nutrition to its customers is very encouraging, as it can have a significant impact on customers' eating habits in the long run.
Taking a step towards wider plant-based communication, throughout the summer the supermarket chain together with "Gyvi gali" will tell customers how they can easily include more fresh, plant-based food in their diet and what dishes they can prepare using plant-based products from Lidl's regular range. .

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