“Gyvi gali” (juridical entity code – 305881595; from now on – "Living Can" or Organisation) is a non-profit non-governmental animal rights organisation.

The aim of this privacy policy is to explain what personal data is collected by the Organisation, for what purpose it is done and how it is used, and also to inform you about your rights regarding the collection of your personal data.

This privacy policy may be changed without any personal notice to inform the people whose data was collected. However, you can always contact the Organisation via email: or phone +37069977141 for further information.

What personal data is collected?

We collect the following: name, surname, email address, phone number, bank account number and any other information that is provided by the people visiting the,,, or any other platforms created by the Organisation.

What is this data used for?

Personal data is collected for these purposes:

  • Communication: to send you newsletters, ask for financial aid or any other type of support for the Organisation, to invite you to participate in our events or to ask questions regarding other Organisation related topics;
  • Support management: to accept financial support or any other type of aid, to account for the support, to contact the people offering support in case of errors or malfunctions, to refuse the offered support or to deal with any other issues regarding support for the Organisation.

On what legal basis do we collect personal data?

We collect and process personal data on the following legal bases set out in Article 6 (1) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation:

  • on the basis set out in a paragraph a), your consent, expressed in the notice, for the purposes of making and / or communicating that notice;
  • on the basis provided for in paragraph c), the legal obligations incumbent on the Organisation (for tax purposes, provision of data to public authorities);
  • on the basis set out in paragraph (f), for the legitimate interests of the Authority.

Who has access to the personal data stored by the Organisation?

The personal data stored by the Organisation can be accessed, if necessary, by the employees and volunteers of the Organisation.

The collected personal data may be transferred to the following third parties: companies providing accounting services to the Organisation, payment service providers.

How long do we store personal data?

Personal data is stored for as long as it is required for data processing purposes.

Your rights regarding your personal data

You have a right to:

  • withdraw your consent to manage your personal data at any time;
  • request that the Organisation grant access to your personal data and correct or delete it or restrict the managing of the data;
  • not consent to the processing of data;
  • transfer your personal data (you have the right to request that your personal data be provided or transferred to another controller);
  • submit a complaint to the supervisory authority - the State Data Protection Inspectorate (you can find their contact information here:


We use cookies to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of our websites and to improve your experience when visiting them. Cookies are pieces of information that are automatically generated when you browse a website. Cookies are stored on your computer or other device.

You can choose to accept cookies, revoke your consent to use cookies, change your browser settings, and delete saved cookies. 

We use the information collected through cookies for the following purposes:

  • To ensure the smooth running of websites. For example, cookies are used to remember your choice of language on the site.
  • To analyse the data - for the collection of statistics on the use of the site by users who visit our sites. We may also collect information from our newsletters to find out how often the newsletters have been opened and the links in them have been clicked.
  • To ensure more targeted advertising - we may collect information in order to provide advertising or content for a specific browser. For example, we may choose not to show ads that invite you to join our events or projects on browsers that have already been used to sign up for said events or projects.

We use these cookies:

  • has_js – this cookie determines if the user's browser supports the javascript programming language. Expiry date: Immediately after closing the browser.
  • _ga – this cookie is used by Google Analytics to measure the purpose of a user's visit, and to report website activity to website operators so that they can improve the customer's experience when visiting the site. Expiry date: if consent has been given, 2 years.
  • _guid – this cookie is used by Google Analytics to identify the person. Expiry date: 2 days after the first entry on the page.
  • – this cookie is designed to ensure the smooth operation of the integrated Facebook services. More information: Expiry date: 3 months.
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