Institutional strengthening of the NGO "Gyvi Gali" in 2023


"Gyvi gali" Public Enterprise, which won the announced competition, implemented the project "Gyvi gali" NGO institutional strengthening". This text contains information related to the project.

Competition name: Non-governmental organizations 2023 competition for the selection of non-governmental organizations' institutional strengthening projects

The institution organizing the competition and allocating funds: Ministry of Social Security and Labour

The competition is announced: from 10/03/2023 to 06/04/2023

The aim of the project: To strengthen the institutional capabilities of Gyvi Gali Public Enterprise, raising the competences of employees and volunteers, developing voluntary activities, and creating inter-institutional and international relations.

Allocated amount: 19902 EUR

Project implementation period: from 06/01/2023 to 12/31/2023


Implemented activities

Cultivating skills and raising competencies

The nature of the activity is defined in the regulations: improving the competences and/or skills of NGO employees and/or volunteers and/or members.

These activities helped team members to acquire or strengthen important skills needed in their daily work.

Implemented training:

  • in 2023 October month. time management training was conducted for the organization by the company "Planas živas". 7 people participated in the training.
    Employees in the non-governmental sector often have a heavy workload and are at increased risk of burnout. Therefore, it is important to develop the habit of prioritizing the most important tasks and planning time in such a way that the tasks can be done during work.
  • in 2023 October month. digital marketing training was conducted for the organization by the company "Digital freedom". 4 people participated in the training.
    Digital marketing, development of marketing strategy, possibilities of using different communication channels, individual questions of the participants were discussed in the training.
  • in 2023 December. there were consultations about the implementation of the project management system in the organization, which were conducted by the company Planas živamis. 1 person (head of the organization) participated in the consultations.
    In the organization, we work on many different projects, performing related activities, but with many different tasks. The employees of the organization need project planning and management skills so that the work goes smoothly and the team members can communicate clearly with each other.

Development of voluntary activities

The nature of the activity is defined in the regulations:

  • Development and/or improvement of strategies and/or systems for organization of NGO activity;
  • NGO activity publicity activities;
  • Organization and/or development of voluntary activities.

These activities helped the organization to attract new and strengthen the relationship with the existing volunteers. Tools have been developed to help attract a larger team of volunteers, which have worked well. After publishing the ads for wanted volunteers, we received a large reinforcement of volunteers. We also organized remote meetings with volunteers.

Implemented activities:

1. A volunteer integration system has been created and digital tools are needed for it:

  • volunteer notebook, which contains all the information needed by volunteers;
  • 2 video call recordings that will help to welcome and convey information to newly joined volunteers;
  • a list of recommended resources that will help volunteers deepen their knowledge in the areas of the organization's activities.

2. In public communication, we announced invitations to join our volunteer team:

  • We have updated and added information about volunteering opportunities in our organization on the portal;
  • on our website we created a sub-page, where from now on we have the opportunity to conveniently announce opportunities to volunteer in specific areas of the organization;
  • we published 12 posts on social networks (Facebook, Instagram) about the opportunity to join our volunteer team.

3. We implemented the selection of 3 volunteer teams (communication, Facebook group moderators and trade network inspectors) during publicity activities and helped the volunteers to integrate using the created integration system. 15 new volunteers joined the volunteer team.

4. We organized a remote meeting of volunteers, during which we presented the implemented changes in the volunteering system, this year's organization's achievements, upcoming activities and volunteers' required involvement.

Establishment of international relations

The nature of the activity is defined in the regulations: Promotion of NGO international cooperation, international relations and organization of international activities

This activity helped to expand the organization's social business activities to all three Baltic countries and strengthen the connection with the international umbrella organization European Vegetarian Union. This contributed to strengthening the organization's ties and the opportunity to learn from partners, to perform work more smoothly and professionally, and to increase the organization's financial sustainability.

Implemented activities:

  • in 2023 August. four employees of the organization went to the largest animal rights conference in Europe in Warsaw. The conference lasted 4 days, one of which was devoted to networking. This conference was a great opportunity to deepen knowledge in our fields of activity and establish and strengthen relations with non-governmental organizations of other countries. During this conference, we met with representatives of the international trademark system "V-Label" and agreed that we can become the only official partners of this organization in all three Baltic countries. We also discussed the possibility of participating in the umbrella organization in September European Vegetarian Union at the convention.
  • in 2023 in September, 1 employee went to an umbrella organization held in Berlin European Vegetarian Union convention, during which 2024 was discussed. upcoming European Parliament elections and the necessary involvement of member organizations.
  • To maintain the established relations in 2023. December. we participated in a remote meeting with others European Vegetarian Union member countries, where the next plans and possible involvement of partners were repeatedly discussed.

Cooperation with state institutions

The nature of the activity is defined in the regulations: Creation of cooperation mechanisms between NGOs and state (or municipal) institutions and/or submission of proposals for public policy decisions to competent state (or municipal) institution(s) and/or institution(s)

With this activity, we started our organization's institutional change activity, which is one of the main directions of the organization's activity defined in the organization's Strategic Plan.

Implemented activities:

  • We have prepared a plan of what actions we intend to take next year in the activities of institutional changes, including a plan of what we intend to achieve with Vilnius city. weekly We have published the plan on our website.
  • We started building relations with the Ministry of Environment and Education. We sent letters to both of them asking them to express their position on the issue of including plant-based drinks in the "Milk for Children" program.

Financial sustainability

The nature of the activity is defined in the regulations: Increasing initiatives for financial transparency and/or sustainability of NGOs

With the help of this activity, we sought to ensure the financial sustainability of the organization.

Implemented activities:

  • in 2023 October month. a financial audit was conducted in the organization. It was published publicly on the organization's website, and information about the audit was published publicly on the organization's social networks.
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